Partnering with Tubular & Roll Forming Producers

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Driven Pass Stand

Addison Machine's tube mill Driven Stands are simply the best built in the industry. Our driven stands maintain alignment, resulting in high-quality output and less downtime for realignment. Plus, unique safety features provide built-in overload protection to safeguard your investment.

Driven Stands form the strip gradually into a cylinder while driving material through the mill.

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Models and Specifications

Model NumberTube Size RangeShaft Diameter (Inch)
DS-07500.188" - 0.500" Dia.0.750"
DS-10000.188" - 0.750" Dia.1.000"
DS-15000.250" - 1.500" Dia.1.500"
DS-1500X (Heavy Duty)0.375" - 1.750" Dia.1.500"
DS-20000.500" - 2.250" Dia.2.000"
DS-25000.750" - 3.000" Dia.2.500"
DS-30001.000" - 4.000" Dia.3.000"
DS-40001.250" - 5.000" Dia.4.000"
DS-45001.500" - 5.500" Dia.4.500"
DS-50001.500" - 6.000" Dia.5.000"
DS-60002.000" - 7.00"0 Dia.6.000"


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We partner with tubular and roll forming producers to solve problems and provide solutions